Eating the right foods for healthy skin isn’t as easy as you think.
You’re probably very familiar with the old expression “you are what you eat”. However although it’s just an expression there is quite a deal of truth to it, particularly when it comes to skin care. There are plenty of good foods for healthy skin, because your skin is an organ of your body just like any other, and good nutrition affects your skin. The best food for healthy skin is the best food for good health.Your skin is simply a reflection of your overall health. If you’re unhealthy your skin will probably be unhealthy as well. It’s hard to be unhealthy on the inside and expect to have healthy glowing skin on the outside.
The best foods for healthy skin are the same foods that you see recommended for good health in general. You know the drill. Eat less salt, sugar and saturated fats and eat more fruit and vegetables and drink more water. That sentence on its own encapsulates exactly what you need to do to eat for skin health.
But of course it’s not that easy. So many people know that you stay healthy by eating the right foods, doing plenty of exercise, minimizing your alcohol intake and not smoking. But so many of them don’t do it. Because it’s not that easy. Eating healthy food for healthy skin is the same. Just do those 4 things, namely eating the right food, doing plenty of exercise, minimizing your intake of alcohol and not smoking and you have the perfect recipe to great skin health. But so many people don’t do it.
You see it’s not about understanding what you need to do, it’s about doing it. Almost anyone understands what they need to do, but few actually do it.
We were asked a question from our website recently, about what is the best food for healthy skin, and we got to thinking about this. There’s no magic in it. We can’t give you a list of 5 foods and guarantee that if you eat those foods your skin will look great. It just doesn’t work that way. You need to eat to get healthier and once you get healthier your skin will follow.
So here’s our recipe for great looking healthy skin. Follow this recipe and, over time, you will get healthier and your skin will also get healthier. Eat healthy food for healthy skin and a healthy body.
Here it is, our recipe for good health and good skin:
1. Restrict your intake of salt, sugar and saturated fat.
2. Increase your level of exercise to the point where you are getting noticeably fitter over time.
3. Don’t smoke or if you do smoke stop now.
4. Don’t drink or drink in moderation only.
5. Avoid the damaging UV rays of the sun. Sunburn, and even just excess UV exposure over time, ages your skin prematurely and is just as bad as smoking is for bad skin.
6. Take a high quality Omega3 supplement containing lycopene, daily. Lycopene helps increase your skin’s natural sunburn protection and also helps reverse sun damage to your skin. Omega 3 fats are very good for your skin.
7. Commit to using high quality natural skin care products daily. (The best natural skin care products really do work better).
We absolutely guarantee that if you do these things you will get healthier and your skin will follow. Great skin health follows great health generally. The best foods for healthy skin are the best foods for good health.
We know it’s not easy to get healthier, there’s all sorts of reasons why you can’t do it, but remember, don’t expect to have glowing healthy skin on a tired unhealthy body. You can’t expect to develop skin to die for while you’re sitting on the couch eating a diet of pizza and burgers. Sorry.
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