Your skin sun spots, acne blemishes, such as fighting the problems. Check out these masks must be ...
Quince Mask
Unveiled in the quince seeds in warm water with half a cup of tea then wait 2 days it will become slippery liquid Bi apply to your face again on the wall dries your skin and you will see reduced sıkılastıgını hemde spots per week, follow a time.
Egg Shell Powder Mask
* 1 dessert spoon of baking powder,
* 1 dessert spoon vaselin
* Egg shells, but it should make a crushing and flour dust.
Let stand for 25 min and wash
Peloide Pelomen Clay Mask
Using the shape according to your skin type bekleteceksizniz Peloide pelomen clay writes in the evenings. Apply to your face behind the mask, if possible, do keep steam before going to bed with only water, rinse well, but be patient on a cell renewal cream crawl very slowly taking a permanent solution but a permanent solution to the color of the damaged cells does not open completely renews 2 neo strata wash gel
Fresh apricots Mask
Sweet apricot oil and apple cider vinegar every night to your skin clean
Lemon mask
Apply to your face clean skin, of course, going to bed every day and wash the boat lemon yıkayın.bende morning, I started a new hope is good for people ...
Clay-Lemon Mask
Clay mixed with lime crawl into your mask to your face. Then moisten the skin with oil lily.
Salt Mask
Put 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon fucking follow the stained area in a circular motion. Repeat 1 time per week.
Carrot-Honey Mask
1 carrot
¼ teaspoon of honey.
Application method: chopped carrot juice mix with honey and then tighten.
Application: Apply this mixture to the skin. 10-15 minutes, just leave. And then clean it.
Cucumber Mask
Every day is a bit faded with a cucumber in the color of the stain over time if you make this lekelerinize sarardığını massage and you will see that the light color.
Peach Mask
Table of Contents
A peach
One apple
A little sugar
Four meals five or six black grapes and wine kaşığıda
Preparation: All fruits are crushed and passed, and spent ten days in the refrigerator and then add to the wine of sugar is about kavonaza koyun.Bunun bekletin.Daha glass bottle, then store the water to drain it ... I wait half an hour every day.
will help it go.
Lemon-Vinegar Mask
One teaspoon water
One teaspoon lemon juice
Two teaspoons of vinegar
Preparation: Mix all and all this mixture to wash your face every night before bed kalkıncada silin.Sabah stains.
Potato Flour Mask
One tablespoon potato flour
Three drops of olive oil
Another one tomato juice
Preparation: Mix all ingredients and less than twenty minutes using kullanın.En wait for all skin blemishes.
Milk Mask
Grate a cucumber into 1 cup of milk. 2 hours and then strain and apply to your face. Continue to repeat the 15 days every day dries.
Vodka-Apple Juice Mask
One tablespoon of vodka and a tablespoon of ground oatmeal until it can receive fresh apple juice and apricot oil, mix a teaspoon. This is the mask on your skin for 20 minutes. Lemon juice mixed with carrot and freeze. Move your skin every day in a capsule.
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